Thank you for your interest in the Alaskan Klee Kai. If you think that an Alaskan
Klee Kai is the breed for you and you want to be considered as an owner of one
of my puppies, then it is required that you complete and return this questionnaire
for my review via email; so I can better determine if the Alaskan Klee Kai might
make a pleasant addition to your household.
As you can probably imagine, once it’s time for the puppies to go to new homes,
I’ve invested a lot of myself in them. A difficult and important aspect of breeding
is making sure my puppies go to owners who will provide loving and permanent
homes. I need to make sure new puppy owners know what to expect, both the
pros and cons from the furry little bundles they’re taking home. As we know,
there is no one breed of dog that is the right breed for everybody, and Alaskan
Klee Kai are no exception.
This questionnaire will become a legal part of the Sales Contract in the event you
decide to obtain a puppy from me.